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Borrowing Materials: Borrowing Periods/Policies

Borrowing Periods and Policies

Borrowing privileges are extended to currently-enrolled Hood College students, faculty, staff, faculty emeriti, alumni, and members of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Associates.

Loan period for books

  • Undergraduate students, alumni: 30 days
  • Graduate students: 90 days
  • Faculty, staff, emeriti, board members: 120 days

Loan period for iPads

  • iPads can be checked out for the duration of the semester
  • iPads may not be placed on hold, and may only be renewed dependent upon popular demand
  • Any apps, data, or documents saved to the iPad during the loan period will be permanently erased from the device after it is returned to the circulation desk

Loan Period for Study Rooms
Study rooms can be checked out for 4 hours at a time. Study rooms can be reserved online in advance with our online link to Book a Room. You will receive a confirmation email that your booking was successful, as well as a link to cancel your reservation if you change your mind.

If you arrive more than 15 minutes late to your study room reservation, your reservation may be cancelled and the room may be opened to other library users.  

Loan Period for DVDs
All library users may check out up to 3 DVDs at one time. The items can be checked out for up to 7 days. 

Course Reserves
Faculty and staff may place items on course reserve at the library circulation desk. These items must be either personal copies or owned by the library. We cannot borrow materials from another library to place on course reserve.

Students may borrow up to 2 items from course reserve at one time. Borrowing periods are set by the course instructor. Overdue course reserves are considered lost. 

Most library materials can be renewed on or before the due date through your OneSearch account. You can also renew materials by phone at (301) 696-3709 or at the Information Desk.

Books that are 30 days or more overdue are considered lost and cannot be renewed. 

Online Journal Articles and Databases
Because of restrictive costs imposed by our vendors, access to online databases and other subscription resources is limited to current faculty, staff, students, and others with updated Hood College credentials. Alumni researchers may access some online materials on campus with a guest pass. For more information, please contact  

Fines and Overdue Books
The library does not charge late fees on materials; however, if materials are significantly overdue they will be considered lost. 

Lost or Unreturned Library Materials
We consider most library materials lost if they are not returned by 30 days after the due date. Course reserves are considered lost if they are not returned on time. The borrower will be billed the replacement cost of the item and cannot check out materials until the item is returned or the fee is paid. The fees and procedure for unreturned interlibrary loan books are determined by the lending institution.