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Hood College Guest Policy

National Cancer Institute Scientific Library Guest Access Policy

Hood College faculty and students, both undergraduate and graduate, may use the NCIF Scientific Library during regular hours. Physical journals and books from the library’s collections are to be used only in the library. We do not loan materials to Hood College patrons.

Electronic sign-in is required for all visitors to the library. When they arrive, Hood patrons should identify themselves at the Circulation Desk, showing their Hood ID.

Photocopying of library materials is permitted, provided that students follow the guidelines established by their instructor.

For photocopier use, this includes signing the photocopy logbook each time, indicating the total number of pages copied and their name and college department.

For print jobs from computers, a print management system is in place which issues debit cards for use by NCIF employees and other authorized groups, such as Hood College students. Circulation staff will hold a student’s ID in exchange for use of a debit card to be used to access the workstation and print release workstation. The student will be asked to fill out a form with name, date, affiliation, phone number. The staff member will note the number of units on the debit card and record it on the form.  Once the student has completed printing at the Library, the ID can be retrieved at the Circulation Desk. The staff member will then record the number of units remaining on the card, calculating the number of copies made.

The forms are gathered by the Administrative Coordinator who generates a report which is sent to the Hood College representative

Computer use by Hood College students is permitted. Circulation staff will issue the appropriate barcodes and debit print cards to the students so that they do not need to pay for printing. Access to all databases and electronic resources on the workstations is available on a walk-in basis unless otherwise noted on the workstation.

Books and other materials may not be borrowed by Hood College students. Arrangements for loans must be made through the Hood College Library’s Interlibrary Loan staff. The Scientific Library Interlibrary Loan department may be reached at 301-846-5843.

Plan Your Visit


8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday

Closed evenings, weekends, and official holidays.