You'll schedule two instruction sessions with the library's Research & Instruction team. Below you'll find learning outcomes, scheduling information, and a sample lesson plan for each of those sessions. These lesson plans are starting points; we are more than happy to tailor these to the unique needs of your students, the research assignment, or the subject matter of your class. The better we're able to communicate and collaborate with you, the more effective library instruction can be for your students.
Our teaching is informed by the six frames identified in the Association of College and Research Libraries' Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education and articulated in more depth in our scaffolded learning outcomes.
This session typically takes place before students begin their research project.
Students will be able to:
Link to full sample lesson plan for Session #1: FYS Session 1 Lesson Plan
Relevant Vocabulary: peer-reviewed article, lateral reading, stacks, database, paywall
This session typically takes place after students have been given the research skills assignment and have ideas for their topics. These sessions also function as workshops for students to try out new research strategies to work on their projects.
Students will:
Link to full sample lesson plan for Session #2: FYS Session 2 Lesson Plan
Relevant Vocabulary: controlled vocabulary, natural language, database, search strategy, research question