Plan Ahead
Since we customize each library instruction session to your course and assignment, we ask that you submit an instruction request at least two weeks prior to the session. The advance notice makes scheduling sessions and reserving a classroom possible during the busiest times of the semester.
Collaborate With Us
The more we know about your course and your learning outcomes, the better we can serve your students' needs, so please plan to share your syllabus and research assignment with us at least two weeks prior to the session. Knowing the goals of your course also helps us as we meet individually with students following a library instruction session. We are happy to discuss the various ways we might support you and your students both before and after library instruction.
Prepare Your Students
Students benefit most from library instruction when it's connected to a research assignment or learning outcome in their course.
Participate in the Session
Plan to request an instruction date when you are able to be present. Your active involvement in a session conveys to your students the importance of what we're doing and explicitly connects our instruction to the goals of your course.