Library Events: Fall 2023

What's happening in the library? Find out here!

Library Events

Welcome to the Fall 2023 Library Events page! 

For up-to-the-minute updates, follow us on Instagram @hoodcollegelib.

Have a question or a suggestion about future library events? Send us an email!.  

Fall 2023 Library Events

Library events for Fall 2023

Ask a Librarian!

Schedule of Events

Voter Registration Day | Tuesday, September 19 | | Library Lobby

Are you registered to vote? Stop by the booth in the library to register in Frederick or to learn how to check your registration in your home town. 


Public Library Card Sign-Up Event | Tuesday, September 26 | 3-6 PM | Library Lobby

The Frederick County Public Library will be on campus to help Hood community members sign up for public library cards. FCPL has a number of resources to complement our own library resources (things like streaming movies, emagazines, audiobooks, and more!) We'll have food and swag - stop by any time between 3:00pm and 6:00pm. 


Zotero Workshop | Thursday, September 28 | 3-4 PM | Library Room 2028 & on Zoom

Zotero is an open-source citation management application that can help you keep track of sources, create citations as you write, generate a formatted bibliography in a variety of styles, and more. In this introductory workshop, we'll help you get started with Zotero. 

Zoom Meeting ID: 454 814 1225           Passcode: 2ca0SR


Research Party | Wednesday, October 11 | 3-6 PM | Library Room 2028

A research and writing workshop but, like, low-key, you know? Swing by the research party to work with other students in a space where you can get help when you need it. Librarians and writing tutors will be on hand to answer questions and provide help. Plus--pizza! 


Research Party | Tuesday, November 14 | 1-4 PM | Library Room 2028

A very chill research and writing workshop. Swing by the research party to work with other students in a space where you can get help when you need it. Librarians and writing tutors will be on hand to answer questions and provide help. Plus--pizza!