Library Events: Spring 2022

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Library Workshops

Welcome to the Spring 2022 Library Workshop page! Our workshops are 1-hour sessions designed to help you with your research, writing, or course goals. We encourage you to bring questions and work in progress.  

Unless otherwise noted, all workshops will take place in Room 2028 in the library.

Check out the schedule and workshop descriptions below. If you have questions about library workshops, send us an email.  

Spring 2022 Library Workshops

Ask a Librarian!

Workshop Schedule

Zotero | Wednesday, February 16 | 3-4 PM

Zotero is an open-source citation management application that can help you keep track of sources, create citations as you write, generate a formatted bibliography in a variety of styles, and more. In this introductory workshop, we'll help you get started with Zotero. 

Welcome to Research | Tuesday, February 22 | 3-4 PM

New to Hood? New to research? Welcome! Join us to learn about the services and resources that the library has to offer during your time here. We will tour the library website, discuss the research process, and explore the library's resources to find and assess sources for your research. This workshop is designed for transfer and new students, but all are welcome to join! Feel free, but not obligated, to bring your research interests, works in progress, or upcoming assignments to discuss. 

Citation Clinic | Thursday, March 3 | 3-4 PM

Bring questions and work in progress to this drop-in workshop about citations. Librarians can walk you through MLA, APA, Turabian, CSE, IEEE, Zotero, in-text citations, reference pages--anything that helps you finish your research paper. 

Advanced Techniques in Google Searching | Wednesday, March 23 | 4-5 PM

Want to take your searching to the next level? Join librarians as we show you how to apply advanced search techniques to Google and Google Scholar. 

Designing a Conference Poster | Thursday, March 31 | 1-2 PM

Learn how to create and present a poster for academic conferences. We'll talk about how to design a conference poster and share strategies for distilling your research effectively for a poster session. 

Effective Presentations | Tuesday, April 5 | 1-2 PM

Learn tips for creating engaging presentations of your academic work. Powerpoint and Zoom presentations will be discussed.

Uploading Your Work to MD-SOAR | Tuesday, April 5 | 6-7 PM 

This online workshop is for students who are in the process of uploading their theses, dissertations, honors papers, and other work to the open access repository MD-SOAR. 

Practical Life Tips | Thursday, April 7 | 1-2 PM

Are you curious about life after Hood? How do you manage loans? What should you look for when renting? What about getting a job? These three local experts in financial aid, renting, and careers will answer your questions about handling these complex issues after graduation. 

Research in the Wild | Thursday, April 14 | 4-5 PM

You're finding so many different sources online. How do you identify what type of source you have found? What is its purpose? How should you use it to make your work better? We will look at different source types (news sources, reference sources, blogs, etc.) and discuss how they fit into the research process. 

Citation Clinic | Wednesday, April 20 | 4-5 PM

Bring questions and work in progress to this drop-in workshop about citations. Librarians can walk you through MLA, APA, Turabian, CSE, IEEE, Zotero, in-text citations, reference pages--anything that helps you finish your research paper. 

Citation Clinic | Wednesday, May 4 | 6-7 PM 

Bring questions and work in progress to this drop-in workshop about citations. Librarians can walk you through MLA, APA, Turabian, CSE, IEEE, Zotero, in-text citations, reference pages--anything that helps you finish your research paper.