Welcome to the Spring 2023 Library Events page!
For up-to-the-minute updates, follow us on Instagram @hoodcollegelib.
Have a question or a suggestion about future library events? Send us an email!.
Zotero Workshop | Monday, February 13 | 4-5 PM | Library Room 2028 & on Zoom
Zotero is an open-source citation management application that can help you keep track of sources, create citations as you write, generate a formatted bibliography in a variety of styles, and more. In this introductory workshop, we'll help you get started with Zotero.
Research Party | Thursday, March 9 | 2-5 PM | Library Room 2028
A research and writing workshop but, like, low-key, you know? Swing by the research party to work with other students in a space where you can get help when you need it. Librarians and writing tutors will be on hand to answer questions and provide help. Plus--pizza!
Designing a Conference Poster | Tuesday, April 11 | 1-2 PM | Library Room 2028
Learn how to create and present a poster for academic conferences. We'll talk about how to design a conference poster and share strategies for distilling your research effectively for a poster session. (Designed to support students participating in SPIRES, but open to all.)
Research Party | Wednesday, April 26 | 3-6 PM | Library Room 2028
A very chill research and writing workshop. Swing by the research party to work with other students in a space where you can get help when you need it. Librarians and writing tutors will be on hand to answer questions and provide help. Plus--pizza!